Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1590) Assignment

A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1590) - Assignment Example sometimes â€Å"v† represents the /u/ sound as in â€Å"vnto.† Definitely, however, the culture did not care about the sound as much as they cared about the spelling. On the other hand, since the same word is spelled consistently like â€Å"watche† and â€Å"solemne,† it only seems that English culture may not be sloppy but may be one that favors someone in a hurry to take down notes. Due to the intricacy of the picture in terms of detail, it is possible that the engraver’s skill and tools were satisfactory. The artist’s skills may also be good enough as he was able to draw the Indian village using third-dimensional point of view. Through the publicists, people may learn that the people of the New World are rather peace-loving and united as a community. They will also be thought of as organized and religious. However, some Europeans may view them either as primitive because of their use of fire, or as fit to be used as slaves as they cultivate good plants like tobacco and corn. The Indians gather around a broad plot to meet with their neighbors, to celebrate their solemn feasts and to engage in merrymaking after the feast. The Indians also assemble themselves together to say their solemn prayers. There is also a place where they make fire to light up their feasts. The two observers made such observations and clearly and carefully documented the activities of the town of Secota because they wanted to somehow get a blueprint of what it is like to live among the Native Americans. The observers did this because they themselves wanted to establish a settlement in that place. To the Europeans, a clear understanding of the life of Native Americans is essential to building a long-lasting and harmonious relationship with them. The two observers provided realistic portrayals of Indian culture because they made such claims from an ordinary observer’s point of view. There were no details or explanations as to why the Indians were meeting their neighbors or conducting

Monday, October 28, 2019

Research Paper on Plato Essay Example for Free

Research Paper on Plato Essay Abstract Many Philosophers made a difference in society but Plato is perhaps recognized as the most famous. His writings have had a profound effect on people, politics, and the philosophy throughout the centuries. He was a public figure and he made major contributions to society. Plato helped to lay the philosophical foundations of modern culture through his ideas and writings. One of the most philosophical thinkers of Western civilization, Plato is the only author from ancient Greek times whose writings survive intact. His collection consists of thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters, though the authorship of some is contested. Plato was born in Athens, into a prosperous aristocratic family. His Father’s name was Ariston and his Mother’s name was Perictione. His relative named Glaucon was one of the best-known members of the Athenian nobility. Platos name was Aristocles, his nickname Plato originates from wrestling circles, Plato means broad, and it probably refers either to his physical appearance or his wrestling style. â€Å"Plato is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy,† (Kraut, 2009). Plato was born during the Golden Age of Athens’s which saw the birth of classical architecture, drama, arts and politics. However, as he was growing up he observed the decline of Athens as a cultural center. He witnessed instances of cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonesty and it was in clear violation of his values. It was also during this time that Plato fell under the influence of Socrates, who engaged the people of Athens in philosophical discussions. â€Å"It was into this bright, sly, worldly atmosphere that Socrates appeared, moving questioningly about the streets of Athens†. (Plato 1984). In 339 Socrates was brought to trial and charged with having false Gods and corrupting the youth. Socrates was found guilty on the charge and was sentenced to death. The execution of Socrates weighed heavily on Plato and he turned away from politics, he thought the behavior of the courts was unjust. He decided not to get involved in political life, instead he decided to leave Athens with other friends of Socrates to travel and study. During his travels he met with all kinds of people and studied not only philosophy but geometry, astronomy, and religious teachings. Socrates was extremely influential to Plato and he was the main character in numerous writings, he was also influenced by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. One of the most important goals Plato set for himself was to keep the memory of Socrates alive by recording and bringing about the kind of impact that Socrates had on people. Nearly all of Plato’s work takes the structure of dialogues in which Socrates is usually the main character. One of the goals of a Plato’s dialogue is to engross the reader in philosophical questions related to the ideas being discussed. The Socrates of the Platonic dialogues is modeled after the real Socrates but it is in part an imaginary character used to impart Platonic themes. Plato’s dialogues are divided into three groups, the early or Socratic dialogues; the dialogues of middle age; and the dialogues of old age. In the early dialogues, Socrates is the main character, but it is generally believed that Plato is expressing his own views. These are the only remaining dialogues of Socrates teachings hence; they are referred to as the Socratic dialogues. In The Apology Socrates was accused of having false gods and corrupting the youth. While on trial Socrates claimed that he was innocent and was not at all wise, â€Å"Men of Athens, I honor and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life and strength I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy Understand that I shall never alter my ways, not even if I have to die many times. † (Plato 1984). Middle Dialogues During Platos middle period he wrote the following, Meno, Republic, Euthydemus, Menexenus, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Symposium and Phaedo. The most important difference between these writings and his earlier works is that he is establishing his own voice in philosophy. In the Meno Plato introduces us to the Socratic idea that no one knowingly does wrong, â€Å"Virtue is the desire of things honourable and the power of attaining them. † Plato (1984). In the Phaedo we become familiar with the platonic doctrine of the Forms; this is where Plato makes a claim as to the immortality of the soul. Platos most influential work, The Republic, is part of the middle dialogues. It is a discussion of the virtues of justice, courage and wisdom. It addresses the question of how do humans approach living a good life. The dialogue finishes by looking at various forms of government and describing the ideal state. The allegory of the â€Å"Myth of the Cave† is also in The Republic it is an important writing because it contains the main points of his philosophy. It is intended to be a metaphor for education and it explains issues regarding the theory of knowledge. Plato believed one must explore the belief that a greater reality exists. It is through this belief that a person can gain greater insight into true reality and become enlightened. Without it we are like the prisoners of a cave who only see the shadows of objects and live in complete darkness. â€Å"And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened, behold! Human beings living in an underground den† (Plato 1927). It is only through philosophy that we can come out of the cave into the true world. â€Å"Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or true philosophers? (Plato 1927) His final years at the Academy he wrote the later dialogues which included the Parmenides, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesmas, Timaeus, Critias, Philebus, and Laws. It should be noted that Socrates has a minor role in these writings. Plato examines his metaphysical theories through these dialogues. He discusses art, dance, music, poetry, drama, and ethics in connection to immortality and the mind. He also dedicates himself to the philosophy of mathematics, politics and religion. Plato argued that women were qualified to play a role in politics and philosophy. In The Republic, Socrates argued that women were as capable as men in pursuit of accomplishments. There is a suggestion that women should be educated for their roles in the class of guardians and possibly work next to men. A woman’s role could be significant in society, but different from a man’s role. Even though Plato believed that women were necessary in a working society, he did not mean he thought women were equals of men. Plato thought that women lacked the strength of men and that women were more suited for other responsibilities in life. â€Å"If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. † (Plato 1927) The impact of Plato’s work cannot be measured or calculated. His writings had great influence on the entire intellectual development of Western civilization. Despite the fact that Plato did not leave a well-formed, rigid philosophical system he is considered the father for all forms of philosophical idealism and dualism. â€Å"The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful. † (Plato 1984). After he died the Academy continued until AD 529, when it was closed due to its pagan teachings. Neo-Platonism, founded by the 3rd-century philosopher Plotinus, was an important development of Platonism. It was a philosophical system which was as a combination of Platonic, Pythagorean, and Aristotelian elements. Originally it was opposed to Christianity but later on it integrated it. It dominated European thought until the 13th century and re-emerged during the Renaissance. The most important Renaissance Neo-Platonist was â€Å"Marsilio Ficino† who developed significant ideas from Plato and Neo-Platonism. Ficino founded of the Academy in Firenze and was responsible for the circulation of Neo-Platonic ideas. Ficino is credited with translating all of Platos’ dialogues into Latin and produced a great work called Platonic Theology, in which he outlines Neo-Platonism. His philosophy is based on the doctrine that the human soul is the center of the cosmos. It is the only thing that sits between the world of ideas and the world is the soul. Neo-Platonism was revived in the 17th century by the Cambridge Platonists such as Cudworth and Smith. The school stressed the importance of reason, maintaining that faith and reason are not that different. Rene Descartes an 18th century philosopher and Neo-Platonist developed a method to achieve truths. If something is not recognized by the intellect or reason can be classified as knowledge. According to Descartes. These truths are gained without any sensory experience (Descartes). He argued that as a result of his method, reason alone determined knowledge and that this could be done independently of the senses. â€Å"Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I exist† (Descartes) Plato developed an absolutist ethical theory which is that there is a greater good toward which to aspire. He developed this theory to respond to the skepticism and the beliefs of the Sophists who Plato felt did not preach wisdom, but rather their opinions. Plato tried to protect the part of reasoning in human life though he had resistance from the ancient Greek preachers know as the Sophists. They came from different cities and proclaimed that they were able to impart knowledge to young men how to live prosperous lives. Even though the Sophists did not belong to a school and did not have a common creed, some opinions were typical of them as a group and were absolutely conflicting to the views of Plato. The Sophists were great communicators and skilled public speakers. Plato felt that the Sophists were more likely to appeal to emotions rather than to reason. According to Plato philosophers influence people’s souls not their bodies and Plato agreed with Socrates in thinking that the nurturing of the soul is more vital than the nurturing of the body. Furthermore, he also believed that true leaders need to have wisdom, and knowledge. Platos influence has been monumental as one philosopher said the history of philosophy is simply a series of footnotes to Plato. (Whitehead) Platos has been criticized down through the centuries for his philosophy of the forms. His ideas of the just life and an ideal state are complex. Plato tended to specifically ignores much of human nature. Plato did not think in the realm of the physical world, he was always looking to a different one where things exist only if he can prove there existence. References Kraut, R. (2009, Sept) Plato Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/plato; Plato. (1984) Great dialogues of Plato New York: Mentor Books trans. by Benjamin Jowett Blackburn, S. (1945) The republic of Plato. (45 ed. ). London: Oxford University Press, USA. trans. By Desmond Lee Descartes. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-works; Alfred North Whitehead. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/whitehead/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

In 1933 to 1945, Germany was under the rule of Adolf Hitler, the man who commanded the Nazi party. Their goal was to get rid of all of the ‘undesirables’, or people seen as lower than ‘true Germans’ in Europe. Most of these people were Jewish but political prisoners, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah’s Witnesses were also targeted. These people were shipped to concentration camps, camps where people were detained and confined, typically under harsh conditions. The first of these made, and the model for all others, was Dachau, located about ten miles north of Munich, Germany. It is approximated that over 50,000 people met their deaths in the Dachau camp, which would be the amount of people that would fit into a sold out Yankee Stadium. The Holocaust horrors extended beyond the largely targeted Jews, as evidenced by the treatment of the largely civilian population of prisoners at the Dachau concentration camp. The first prisoners to arrive at the camp came on March 22, 1933 and were under command of SS Officer Hilmar WÃ ¤ckerle, the man who established rules that instituted terror as a way of life for the prisoners at camp. Many of these prisoners consisted of social democrats and German Communists who had an easier time at the camp than later prisoners. Long term imprisonments often lead to death but many of the early prisoners were released after serving their sentence and were considered to be rehabilitated. But even in this early stage of the camp and the party, laws were changing to fit the Nazis ways. Theodor Eicke took over control three months after the camp opened, due to WÃ ¤ckerle being charged with the murder of a prisoner. Hitler overruled the charges and declared that concentration camps were out of the realm ... ...ite, lining the path are twelve information panels. The almost three kilometer path represents the path taken by most prisoners when they arrived in the camp. The camp also has an archive on site that is open for visitors, containing papers and documents from the camp when it was open. Currently housing over 6,000 pictures, papers like maps and blueprints, 350 phonograms, and about 1,200 films, there are many different sources in the archive and attached library. These consist of eye witness statements, documents about the development of the camp and the International Prisons Committee, which was established after the liberation. The memorial was made so the people of today could look back and remember the extreme amount of people that had their lives turned upside down and lost by the Nazi Party and to teach people so the same tragedy does not repeat itself.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Market Research and Marketing Research Essay

Research is the process of gathering, processing and analyzing information on markets. The scope of such research is limited to the study of markets and does not include studies on the brand or product to be marketed. Market research is a subset of marketing research. Marketing Research is the process of gathering, processing and analyzing information for the purpose of marketing a product. It includes, but is not limited to market research. Marketing research extends to other areas of marketing activity like: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Studies on consumer behavior Brand and positioning research Research on product and packaging Research on communication strategies and advertising channels and their effectiveness Studies on sales promotion strategies and effects of discounts and sales promotion strategies on customer buying and consumption habits 6. Brand perception studies 1 Difference between Qualitative vs. Quantitative 2 Importance of Marketing Research The importance of marketing research in management extends to intelligent decision making, maximizing profits, increasing the sales, minimizing the risks and ascertaining whether a new product will be profitable in a given market at a given time. What is Marketing Research? This research can be defined as the process of gathering recording and analyzing the data related to certain products and services. This need for market research is derived from the concept that only by understanding the needs and wants of the target audience and by effectively meeting them, you will be able to achieve the organizational goals and surpass the competition n the specific market. Thus, arises the need to collect data about the customers, competitors, and other forces in the marketplace. This data in turn is collected and analyzed to make relevant marketing decisions, be it in relation to setting up a business, developing a product, creating a brand or coming up with an advertising campaign. What is t he Importance of Marketing Research? To Make Marketing Decisions: This research helps the marketers to make a decision about the product or service. Sometimes a marketer might believe that the new product or service is useful for the customers. However, research may show that customers do not need a product or are meeting their needs with a certain competitor product and so on. Similarly good research strives to provide options for the successful introduction of new products and services. This makes the market entry of a new product or service less risky. Survive the Competition: Marketing research helps in ascertaining and understanding competitor information such as their identity, marketing network, customer focus and scale of operations. This helps in surviving and in certain cases, even leaving behind the competition. Moreover, with market research you can also help understand the under-served consumer segments and consumer needs that have not 3 been met. Helps to Decide Target Markets: Research helps provide customer information in terms of their location, age, buying behavior and gender. This helps the marketers zero in on the target markets and customers for their products and services. Maximize Profits: Apart from profit maximizing steps such as item optimization, customer profitability analysis, and price elasticity, marketing research allows you to find out methods that can help you maximize profits. For example, a product’s price elasticity research can help you ascertain the impact of an increased price on the sales and the profits of a product. This emphasis on profitability also helps the company’s focus to shift from maximizing sales to increasing the profits of a company. This helps the company survive in the long run and maximize its profits. Increasing the Sales: Increasing the sales of your products or services helps a company in maximizing its profits. By understanding the customer’s needs, wants and attitude towards the products and determining whether your products fit the bill, marketers can increase their sales. This helps in not only increasing the sales to the target customers and people already using the product but also converting the non users into customers for the product. With an understanding of the customer, competitors, products and the overall industry needs, this research can equip the management with the power to make better decisions. However, the importance of marketing research is limited to just being a marketing tool that helps you make an informed decision. So rather than basing all your management decisions on a customer survey, use this tool as a guide and supplement it with intelligent decision making.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Maintaining Ethical Standards

The ethical issues that I am faced with are, although am a trousseaux counselor, I still sympathize with what the couple is going through especially since a child is involved. Helping the couple will take a lot of work. First I would sit both of them down and listen to everything that they are going through. I would give them the pros of staying together in the state, then I would give them the con, because the state we are in does not recognize same-sex marriage, they would lose their benefits; such as tax benefits, health and social security benefits.In the case of discrimination, the state will not offer any kind of recourse because the state law itself won't accept the marriage. Would then discuss with the couple, the custody battle with Emily s parents. First would recommend that if it was k with Lois, Emily should have a one and one conversation with her parents. Another suggestion would for the couple to sit down with the grandparents and without throwing their sexuality in th eir faces, simply explain to them, that even though they are gay, they are capable of being good parents. It would be best to not be pushy and listen to the concerns of the grandparents.If that didn't work then I would talk with the parents, sometimes a person outside of he equation can shed a little light on the issue. Rebecca Farrell (personal communication, March 20, 2009) points out that this case also involves custody issues that are challenging when counseling a same-sex couple. If all that fails and the grandparents decide to pursue the custody, I would suggest for them to seek legal advice. For their safety from the neighbors and others that are interfering with them, I would suggest that they go to the area police station and make a statement, so the police can know their lives might be in danger.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


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Monday, October 21, 2019

The War in Vietnam Essays - Vietnam War, Free Essays, Term Papers

The War in Vietnam Essays - Vietnam War, Free Essays, Term Papers The War in Vietnam The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough money to fund urban renewal projects in every major American city. Despite these enormous costs and their accompanying public and private trauma for the American people, the United States failed, for the first time in its history, to achieve its stated war aims. The goal was to preserve a separate, independent, noncommunist government in South Vietnam, but after April 1975, the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) ruled the entire nation. The initial reasons for U.S. involvement in Vietnam seemed logical and compelling to American leaders. Following its success in World War II, the United States faced the future with a sense of moral rectitude and material confidence. From Washington's perspective, the principal threat to U.S. security and world peace was monolithic, dictatorial communism emanating from he Soviet Union. Any communist anywhere, at home or abroad, was, by definition, and enemy of the United States. Drawing an analogy with the unsuccessful appeasement of fascist dictators before World War II, the Truman administration believed that any sign of communist aggression must be met quickly and forcefully by the United States and its allies. This reactive policy was known as containment. In Vietnam the target of containment was Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh front he had created in 1941. Ho and his chief lieutenants were communists with long-standing connections to the Soviet Union. They were also ardent Vietnamese nationalists who fought first to rid their country of the Japanese and then, after 1945, to prevent France from reestablishing its former colonial mastery over Vietnam and the rest of Indochina. Harry S. Truman and other American leaders, having no sympathy for French colonialism, favored Vietnamese independence. But expanding communist control of Eastern Europe and the triumph of the communists in China's civil was made France's war against Ho seem an anticommunist rather than a colonialist effort. When France agreed to a quansi-independent Vietnam under Emperor Bao Dai as an alternative to Ho's DRV, the United States decided to support the French position. The American conception of Vietnam as a cold war battleground largely ignored the struggle for social justice and national sovereignty occurring within the country. American attention focused primarily on Europe and on Asia beyond Vietnam. Aid to France in Indochina was a quid pro quo for French cooperation with America's plans for the defense of Europe through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. After China became a communist state in 1949, the stability of Japan became of paramount importance to Washington, and Japanese development required access to the markets and raw materials of Southeast Asia. The outbreak of war in Korea in 1950 served primarily to confirm Washington's belief that communist aggression posed a great danger to Asia . Subsequent charges that Truman had "lost" China and had settled for a stalemate in Korea caused succeeding presidents to fear the domestic political consequences if they "lost" Vietnam. This apprehension, an overestimation of American power, an d an underestimation of Vietnamese communist strength locked all administrations from 1950 through the 1960s into a firm anticommunist stand in Vietnam. Because American policy makers failed to appreciate the amount of effort that would be required to exert influence on Vietnam's political and social structure, the course of American policy led to a steady escalation of U.S. involvement. President Dwight D. Eisenhower increased the level of aide to the French but continued to avoid military intervention, even when the French experienced a devastating defeat at Dien Bien Phu in the spring of 1954. Following that battle, an international conference at Geneva, Switzerland, arranged a cease-fire and provided for a North-South partition of Vietnam until elections could be held. The United States was not a party to the Geneva Agreements and began to foster the creation of a Vietnamese regime in South Vietnam's autocratic president Ngo Dinh Diem, who deposed Bao Dai in October 1955, resisted holding an election on the reunification of Vietnam. Despite over $1 billion of U.S. aid

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Smallest Capital Cities in the United States

Smallest Capital Cities in the United States The United States of America is made up of 50 individual states and one national capital city - Washington, D.C. Each state has its own capital city where the center of the states government exists. These state capitals vary in size but all are important to how politics operate in the states. Some of the largest state capitals in the U.S. are Phoenix, Arizona with a city population of over 1.6 million people (this makes it the largest U.S. state capital by population) as well as Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio. There are many other capital cities in the U.S. that are much smaller than these large cities. The following is a list of the ten smallest capital cities in the U.S. For reference, the state that they are in, along with the population of the states largest city has also been included. All population numbers were obtained from and are representative of July 2009 population estimates. 1.Montpelier Population: 7,705 State: Vermont Largest City: Burlington (38,647) 2.Pierre Population: 14,072 State: South Dakota Largest City: Sioux Falls (157,935) 3.Augusta Population: 18,444 State: Maine Largest City: Portland (63,008) 4. Frankfort Population: 27,382 State: Kentucky Largest City: Lexington-Fayette (296,545) 5.Helena Population: 29,939 State: Montana Largest City: Billings (105,845) 6.Juneau Population: 30,796 State: Alaska Largest City: Anchorage (286,174) 7.Dover Population: 36,560 State: Delaware Largest City: Wilmington (73,069) 8. Annapolis Population: 36,879 State: Maryland Largest City: Baltimore (637,418) 9. Jefferson City Population: 41,297 State: Missouri Largest City: Kansas City (482,299) 10. Concord Population: 42,463 State: New Hampshire Largest City: Manchester (109,395)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Common book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Common book - Essay Example The message was received the same day and it was relatively cheap. Letters and the postal service was another method. There were transistor radios as well, these were new radios that could be carried anywhere. Ans2. Well there was this thing called the teletype. It was a huge machine that could communicate with another machine of its type. Computers started replacing the teletype slowly. I think it was the 80s when the modem was introduced. It used the landline to connect to computers. I am not sure how it worked but you couldn’t call if the modem was in use. It was mostly an office thing. Ans3. Television was a very new thing when I was young. We didn’t get one for a long time but lots of people I knew did get it. It was magical at first. They said that the radio and print will soon become obsolete. We saw so many things on the box like other cultures and world views. It really opened your eyes. Ans4. It has changed it immensely. Letter writing was an art form and sitting down with a nice fountain pen and some good quality paper to write a letter was really something. A lot of effort went into buying postcards and writing those letters. It all meant something. Now its all about instant messaging and instant gratification. You can connect in seconds and its all so cheap. We had to think twice before making a call. Ans5. I wouldn’t say that. You look at the television now or the internet and you can see that it has a lot of good uses. There is information at your fingertips and easy access. Anyone can open a YouTube channel and communicate with millions. But I do know that personal or one on one communication has suffered. Since we put in so much time to talk to someone else, it all meant something. There was heart felt thought behind every

Friday, October 18, 2019

Influence of physical attractiveness and personality on relationship Essay

Influence of physical attractiveness and personality on relationship formation - Essay Example (Gonzales, 2008). Some uses physical attractiveness as factor to consider in choosing the person to have a relationship with. Simple observations like clothes he wears, the way he talks, the way he walks and others may lead to the interpretation of a variety of other characteristics. In the literature review the paper presented researches and study done on physical attractiveness and personality on relationship. One of the study was done by Gonzales, Casey of Department of Psychology in Loyola University of New Orleans (2008). In 2001 Yela and Sangrador of Univeristy of Madrid releases their article, "Perception of Physical Attractiveness throughout Loving Relationship". In the article they try to verify various hypotheses about the importance of physical attractiveness (PA) in loving relationships, based on known psycho-social processes. Also included in the review are the researches done by Gilles on 1994. In this article the writer presented two useful and complementary models of relationship development: the Social Penetration Theory and Attraction. At the end of this letter the writer will show his own view about the topic. In the study done by Casey Gonzales of the Department of Psychology in New Orleans presented three characteristics that affect interpersonal attractiveness across a range of social relationships these are: warmth, competence and physical attractiveness. (2001). Warmth is described as a positive outlook and positive attitude towards people and things. Competence matters mostly when it depends on the nature of the relationship that he/she has with a person. Physical attractiveness according to Gonzales (2001) is the most difficult of the three characteristics because it is hard to avoid forming impressions of people based on their appearance. This implies that if a person is physically attractive he/she also has other positive qualities as well. Also in the article written by Gonzales (2001) when choosing someone to have a relationship with the characteristics of warmth, competence and physical attractiveness are important influences. Many studies showed that although both sexes view a partner's physical attractiveness as an asset, men placed greater value on the physical attributes of a partner than women did (Feingold, 1990; Jackson, 1992; as cited by Taylor et. al). In a national survey of Americans, women were more willing than men to marry someone who was not "good looking"(Sprecher, Sullivan, & Hatfield, 1994). Women also prefer older partners while men prefer younger partners. Women place greater emphasis on a partner's economic resources than men do. Men were more willing than women to marry someone who was not likely to have a steady job, earned more, and had more education. These sex differences have been found not only in the United States but in a wide range of other cultures as well (Buss, 1989). Yela and Sangrador (2001) presented scientific study on the importance of physical attractiveness and personality in forming a relationship. Using variables and measurement technique they evaluated how physical attractiveness greatly influences the person to pursue to have a relationship. Social psychology emphasize that the role played by physical attractiveness in our social cognition, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships is

Article Abstarct 04 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article Abstarct 04 - Essay Example The authors’ examinations sufficiently pointed out that, when MLB teams are densely located, attendance levels for both teams is quite minimal judged against MLB teams, which are sparsely located. Furthermore, the researchers deduced that the encroachment of a new MLB side into a region held by a different team typically results in diminished attendance rates for the existing team. The paper’s primary input is the fact that the researchers took into account the subject of attendance and team proximity from a policy level. This enabled the researchers to contemplate the consequence of team proximity from other points of view. For instance, the researchers contemplated the impact of competitive aspects on attendance in MLB team matches (Winfree et al. 2123). However, the authors failed to conduct an extensive review of available literature, which is critical to the development of an easy transition from the known to the unknown in terms of knowledge. The researchers should have included a literature review section to help uncover the knowledge gaps that the present research

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Capital One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Capital One - Essay Example On December 04, 2008, Capital One acquired a well known bank called Chevy Chase Bank. As per the deal, Capital One purchased the bank by paying $445 million in cash and 2.56 million shares of Capital One worth $75 million (Gaithersburg Local, 2008). Companies are directly affected by the external environmental forces that consist of political, economic, legal, social and technological elements. Changes in these external forces directly affect the company which necessitates it to modify the corporate strategies accordingly. In 2008-09, the world economy was shaken by a recessionary turmoil and the financial sector was the worst hit. Functioning exclusively in the banking business, the company is at a high leveraged state. When market conditions are favorable, their revenue as well as profitability increases quite rapidly but when the market conditions are hostile, the company faces a sharp fall in business. The economic condition has revived in the developing countries but the developed countries like UK and US will take more time to come out of this economic shock. Therefore economic condition is one of the vital forces that Capital One needs to consider. In terms of technology, Capital One enjoys a sound position. The political condition is quite stable in US hence this will not be a major concern. After the economic recession in US, the government is in the process of introducing certain changes in its legal framework to exercise a better control on the financial market. Hence, Capital One will need to understand the changes in the legal policies and should make the desired modification. Apart from the above mentioned forces the competitive force prevailing in the US market needs to be taken into consideration by Capital One. The retail banking industry is highly attractive which lures new entrants into this industry. The lenient strategy maintained by the government of US is an added advantage for the new entrants. The new entrants have not only

Health promotion Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Health promotion Report - Research Paper Example From the study results, there was an increased knowledge on the risk illnesses associated with smoking, benefits associated and ways of quitting smoking thus the intervention proved to be effective. A health promotion intervention is a process that enables individuals to increase control over and improve their health care condition. It is an initiated strategy that has an aim of influencing, informing and assisting both organizations and people to accept responsibility and be more active in health matters that influence their physical and mental health issues (Mills et al. 2007, 47). It entails education, political and economic related programs that are designed to support behavioral changes as well as environmental changes in an effort of enhancing the individual’s health status. It is important for individuals to take responsibility for their health, and a health-promoting program enhances this by challenging people to change their individual lifestyles in an effort of mitigating the effects of change. It is also crucial for individuals to preserve their minds and hearts as physical health is as important as mental health to enhance the growth of a healthy population t hat is better enhanced through education and sensitization. A health promotion intervention is thus important to help in health promotion (Saunders et al. 2005, 139). An intervention program is an action set that has a coherent objective of bringing change, or it is aimed at producing identifiable outcomes. This entails policies, single strategy projects and programs. Health promotion interventions are aimed at protecting, promoting as well as preventing unhealthy living in communities and societies (Warren, et, al 2011, 2). They differ from the clinical interventions that are aimed at treating illness on the ill-affected individuals. However, before conducting a health promotion program, it is essential to get the reason as to why individuals make decisions that they do in regards to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Capital One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Capital One - Essay Example On December 04, 2008, Capital One acquired a well known bank called Chevy Chase Bank. As per the deal, Capital One purchased the bank by paying $445 million in cash and 2.56 million shares of Capital One worth $75 million (Gaithersburg Local, 2008). Companies are directly affected by the external environmental forces that consist of political, economic, legal, social and technological elements. Changes in these external forces directly affect the company which necessitates it to modify the corporate strategies accordingly. In 2008-09, the world economy was shaken by a recessionary turmoil and the financial sector was the worst hit. Functioning exclusively in the banking business, the company is at a high leveraged state. When market conditions are favorable, their revenue as well as profitability increases quite rapidly but when the market conditions are hostile, the company faces a sharp fall in business. The economic condition has revived in the developing countries but the developed countries like UK and US will take more time to come out of this economic shock. Therefore economic condition is one of the vital forces that Capital One needs to consider. In terms of technology, Capital One enjoys a sound position. The political condition is quite stable in US hence this will not be a major concern. After the economic recession in US, the government is in the process of introducing certain changes in its legal framework to exercise a better control on the financial market. Hence, Capital One will need to understand the changes in the legal policies and should make the desired modification. Apart from the above mentioned forces the competitive force prevailing in the US market needs to be taken into consideration by Capital One. The retail banking industry is highly attractive which lures new entrants into this industry. The lenient strategy maintained by the government of US is an added advantage for the new entrants. The new entrants have not only

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inter cultural communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inter cultural communication - Assignment Example Furthermore, as has been discussed during the course of the semester, before being level of effective intercultural communication to take place, or the level of the nation all that, a relationship must at first exists. The depth and complexity of this relationship varies between individuals that issue(s) that are being discussed. However, in the event that the stakeholder wishes to have an effective level of communication with another partner, it is absolutely required that a relationship built on respect must exist first. Although this determinant alone does not guarantee that a level of agreement will be reached, the quality and depth of the communication, and the subsequent respect and trust that is fostered, will maximize the likelihood for this to take place. Accordingly, the need to focus upon this metric has encouraged many multinational firms and different governments to seek to build cultural appreciation and respect; prior to expecting a level of success with respect to com munication to be exhibited. Ultimately, human beings are extraordinarily impressionable creatures. As has been proven time and again, the culture and environment within which an individual is raised by profound and definitive impact with respect to the way in which they integrate with the world around them. With that being understood, it must also be understood that human beings are not programmable robots. Ultimately, for the thousands of individuals that might be influenced by particular culture and shoes to integrate with it, there may be a handful that rejected entirely; choosing to follow their own in life. However, instead of making the fundamental to stay at this juncture and saying that not all individuals are impacted by culture or are able to resist it, it must be noted that even those individuals who rejected entirely are impacted by. As such, even though culture can be resisted, the impact upon the individual is nonetheless profound as

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Essay Example for Free

A Tale of Two Cities Essay Does strong devotion overpower the will of a good heart? Ernest Defarge, a character in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, is no more than a puppet to his wife. Though he does not like the idea of killing innocent people just because they are aristocrats, he refuses to speak up due to fear of confrontation with his wife. Due to his background and life as a slave, Defarge, like many other revolutionaries, dislikes the aristocracy, and has some desire to get revenge. However, he does not truly want these desires to build to the extent that the revolution got to. Ernest Defarge is a man with a good heat, driven to be a catalyst to the revolutionary acts by his strong devotion to the two things he cares about most: his country, and his wife. Paragraph 1: Though many may not see it behind all the terrible things he has done, Ernest Defarge really does have a good heart. Ernest Defarge shows compassion my comforting Gaspard, saying, Be a brave man, my Gaspard! It is better for the poor little plaything to die so, than to live. It has died in a moment without pain. Could it have lived an hour as happily? Defarge didn’t have to make an effort to help him out, but he does. This random act of kindness shows that he does in fact have a good side to him. After the child is run over, the Marquis throws a coin out of the carriage, thinking he can pay for the child’s life, and in return he is â€Å"suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage†. In this action of throwing the coin back, which is believed to be done by Monsieur Defarge, shows his dislike to the aristocracy, and foreshadows the fact that he will take a stand against it for the good of his country and its people. Monsieur Defarge’s personality differentiates from this sense of kindness when he barks orders at the revolutionaries such as, â€Å"Patriots and friends, we are ready! The Bastille! (214). In opposition to his good heart, Defarge is also the leader of the Revolution. In this part of the book, he, and his fellow revolutionaries, destroy The Bastille, and everything else that happens to be in their path. This completely contradicts the compassion shown from Ernest Defarge earlier in the book, but also shows that there may be something behind his madness. Monsieur Defarge also happens to be an old servant to Dr. Manette, and cares deeply for him, but when it comes to choosing between helping the Doctor, or helping his country, Defarge’s great devotion to France towers over his feelings towards Manette. Do the square thingy with this quote * â€Å"†¦In a hole in the chimney, where a stone has been worked out and replaced, I find a written paper. This is that written paper. I have made it my business to examine some specimens of the writing of Doctor Manette. This is the writing of Doctor Manette. I confide this paper, in the writing of Doctor Manette, to the hands of the President.† This note he found, is of Manette â€Å"(add quote where he condems darnay)† Even though he deeply cared for Manette, he would do anything, literally anything, to help the people of his country. He believes that sentencing Darnay to death is the right thing to do for France, and since he believes that, he will do everything in his power to make it happen. Defarge knew how bad this would hurt Doctor Manette, since Darnay was the Doctor’s son-in-law, but it was his and his wife’s duty to kill all aristocrats, therefore he couldn’t show and mercy. Defarge would even hurt a friend, in order to do what he thinks will help his country. Paragraph 4:  Even though it is kind of hard to see at first, Madame Defarge seems to have a great deal of power over her husband. â€Å"As to thee†, pursued madame, implacably, addressing her husband, â€Å"if if depended on thee-which, happily, it does not, thou wouldst rescue this man even now† Even though Monsieur Defarge wants to help Charles Darnay, she wouldn’t allow it. He wanted to help out the Manette’s and save Darnay, but after the revolutionaries were informed on what the Evermond’s did to Madame Defarge’s family, he was the only one who wanted to show mercy. Due to the fear of confrontation with his wife, he doesn’t speak of saving Darnay again. Ernest Defarge, from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is portrayed as a great leader to the revolutionaries, but in reality, he is merely a puppet, with Madame Defarge as his puppeteer. Devotion can be a strong thing, sometimes so strong that it can lock up the kindness of a good heart, and throw away the key.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Imprisonment In This Way For The Gas English Literature Essay

Imprisonment In This Way For The Gas English Literature Essay Imprisonment: it can take many forms, traditional imprisonment in a penitentiary, a non literal form of feeling imprisoned by being impoverished, and the literal form, a concentration camp. But the form that is quite misunderstood and undertaken is imprisonment in literature. Imprisonment in literature can evolve and stem out so many different ways. You could describe the life of a concentration camp victim, to a young boy trapped by his parents in his home, or a young man living up in trees. This form of imprisonment is the most understated form of seeing imprisonment, although many works of literature show us how their characters are imprisoned. Its ironic how a man sitting in a prison will read a novel, or collection of short stories, who might not be in the same situation as him, but understand what is going on to him, that imprisoned protagonist. Tadeusz Borowski and Italo Calvino have masterfully incorporated and portrayed the motif and theme of imprisonment into their works Th is Way For The Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen and Baron In The Trees respectively, along with enticing and detailed diction, their works make for great literature. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman, is written by a Polish Holocaust survivor Tadeusz Borowski, and is the title piece and first story of his collection of short stories. Borowski was not one of the Jews, but a poet who suffered from depression. For this reason, the Nazis had sufficient reason to detain him at Auschwitz and Dachau because he was considered a political prisoner. Borowskis views toward his fellow prisoners and the Nazis were fairly different than normally seen by concentration camp survivors, mainly because he was not Jewish. According to Karen Bernarda, it wasnt that Borowskis viewed his incarceration in any more positive terms than the Jews with who he was imprisoned with, but he does not seem to be able to separate the prisoners and the Nazis into villains and victims. In the story, This Way For The Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, the narrator Tadek, has become a member of a group called Canada, which was responsible for rummaging through the Jews individual belo ngings in search of any hidden treasures they can save. Tadek, however, does in fact know that most or all these people coming off the trains are going to be sent to the gas chambers, and yet decides not tell them this. During this time, however, Tadek feels profound indignity about his job, but he also believes the Jews are the ones responsible for their imprisonment in the concentration camps, and also feels it was the despondent Jews who have destined him to feel ashamed of himself. Borowski says, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] I am furious, simply furious with these people-furious because I must be here because of them. I feel no pity. I am not sorry theyre going to the gas chamber. Damn them all! I could throw myself at them, beat them with my fists.(Borowski 116) The unfair argument that Tadek is trying to show is that even the concentration camp prisoners who worked for the Nazis suffered as much as the Jews did, even though they were a*llowed to survive. Bu*t they were also forced to wo*rk for the Nazis which was, for Borowski, even more dehumanizing than being allowed to die. Imprisoned workers were forced to carry dead Jews to the crematorium, as well as witness countless other sickening and despicable acts. Not only is Tadek imprisoned physically, he is imprisoned mentally as well. Just the sheer fact that someone is running your life, and not letting you make your own decisions or choices, makes you feel as though you are an imprisoned slave. If you were not mentally capable of taking this into consideration it was very unlikely that you would have survived in the Holocaust. It took a great deal of mental and physical strength to get through the imprisonment techniques of the Nazi regime. Set in the peaceful valley of Ombrosa during the period of intellectual and social ferment, Italo Calvinos The Baron in the Trees relates the story of Cosimo Piovasco di Rondà ², along with Cosimos brother Biagio, whom is the narrator, provides the history and long standing tension of their family. Cosimos father, Baron Arminio, married the General of the War of Succession, Corradina. The Baron, who is half-mad with a malicious streak, seems to abuse his children continuously; and while Corradina is fighting in the war on horseback it eventually causes the children to run wild, become crazy, and ultimately not listen to their father. One day, when the Baron invites the Courts of France to lunch at noon, Battista arrives with her new French cuisine meal, snails. When Arminio forces Cosimo to eat the snails, it comes apparent to Cosimo and the reader that he can no longer handle his fathers abuse and yelling. Fleeing from the table and storming out of the house, Cosimo uses his abilit y to climb up a live oak tree in the backyard. In contrast to This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman, Cosimo escaped the imprisonment and harsh antics of his father in order to live a better life. However, Cosimo was entering into another imprisoned lifestyle, one in the trees. Being that Cosimo is imprisoned in the trees, he is deprived of the items, pleasures, and opportunities that lie just beneath him on the ground, This would lead one to the thought that your choice will trap you, whether it be an existential choice or not. Your choice will lead to a different path, a path that has an unpredictable future. Maybe an imprisoned lifestyle is just inevitable. Maybe with every decision you make you are entering more and more into the imprisonment of your own life. Unknowing what will happen in the future, Cosimo jumps out of the trees and into the hot air balloon, he now becomes imprisoned within that hot air balloon for an unknown amount of time. According to Jessica Page Morrell, Whatever your themes-abandonment, loneliness, lawlessness, justice, the dangers of seduction-the setting can enhance these concepts. In This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman, Tadeusz Borowski provides the grotesque, inhumane, setting of the Holocaust in order to provide a dual insight to the life of the Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners in the concentration camps. Borowski gives us a brief idea of how isolated these camps were, and how he himself was isolated. Morrell states that geography and weather are used most often as devices for isolation, and being that these concentration camps were so far from any type of civilization it is an excellent setting and place for the short stories. Right away Borowski starts his first short story with, All of us walk around naked. The delousing is finally over, and our striped suits are back from the tanks of Cyclone B solution [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the heat is unbearable. The camp has been sealed off tight (Bor owski 29). This is a prime example of how setting enhanced the theme of imprisonment all while showing the inhumane and unethical practices used by the Nazis. The setting of Baron In The Trees is unvaried throughout the novel, but the main setting would be in the trees. From the trees, Cosimo explained to his brother, he could see the earth more visibly. Free from the dull routine of an earthbound existence, the Baron had fantastic adventures with pirates, women and spies, and still had time to read, and study. Cosimos imprisonment, was not bad at all times, he got to enjoy some of the pleasure that people on the ground have the honor of doing. The setting of Baron In The Trees not only enhances the theme of the novel, but it also develops a sense of place that plays an interactive aspect of the fictional novel that saturates mood and meaning all while making the reader rely on visual and sensory references (Morrell 171). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary imprisonment means, to put in or as if in prison; confine, and literature means imaginative or creative writing. When put together, the ideas are implausible; the author takes the reader into a whole other world. This Way For The Gas, Ladies and Gentelmen and Baron in The Trees, are two excellent works of literature which portray the imprisonment of their respective characters exquisitely. Word Count: 1,454

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Death of Marilyn Monroe Essay -- Papers Fame Suicide Famous Essays

The Death of Marilyn Monroe In the world today, we, the public, spend so much time admiring stars from Hollywood and many of us want to be like them. Yet, there is so much pressure placed on them, and some times this becomes all too much for them to cope with and they end up taking away their live. This is the unpleasant and tragic side of being famous as we are all made to believe that fame will make you happy. Edwin Morgan brings this theme into focus in the poem 'The Death of Marilyn Monroe'. He looks at how such a beautiful and worldwide icons such as Marilyn Monroe felt that to get rid of all the pressure that is associated with fame, she needed to commit suicide, which is the unpleasant truth, we the reader have to face while reading this poem. Edwin Morgan looks at this through the exceptional use of personification, symbolism and imagery. This was put to good use as it help me to create an image in my mind about how fame isn't all that it is hyped up to be and that it allows the reader to see the darker side of fame. Marilyn Monroe was the biggest film star in the late 50's. She was portrayed as being a sex symbol on the silver screen. She was a massive icon worldwide and was admired by everyone. Even today people still admire her, 42 years after her death, as she has her image on bags and calendars. Monroe, wasn't your average sex symbol, she wasn't sleazy as she had this child like innocence that so many people admired her for, including women. Edwin Morgan conveys this idea of Monroe being a sex symbol, yet, also being child like, by using a series of rhetorical questions. "What innocence? Whose guilt? What ey... ... people worldwide as they were 'shaken'. They felt that Monroe was part of their family and that the film industry will never be the same without her. Marilyn Monroe had the whole world at her feet, as she was rich and famous. Yet, fame has a darker side. Which makes you depressed and isolated. Fame is like a curse for many famous people and many people end up taking their lives such as Monroe. This gives the reader an insight of what fame is really like and what it gives you. Not money, but isolation and depression. In the end, being rich and famous only makes you unhappy, unlike what the American Dream tells us. Edwin Morgan is showing the reader the darker, more real side of fame. What we are told it is, but that is could end up taking your live away. Which is the price of being famous, that no one should pay.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Electronic assignment coversheet Essay

Except where indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another unit. This submission complies with Murdoch University’s academic integrity commitments. I am aware that information about plagiarism and associated penalties can be found at If I  have any doubts or queries about this, I am further aware that I can contact my Unit Coordinator prior to submitting the assignment. I acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment: reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another academic staff member; and/or submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service. This web-based service may retain a copy of this work for the sole purpose of subsequent plagiarism checking, but has a legal agreement with the University that it will not share or reproduce it in any form. I have retained a copy of this assignment. I will retain a copy of the notification of receipt of this assignment. If you have not received a receipt within three days, please check with your Unit Coordinator. I am aware that I am making this declaration by submitting this document electronically and by using my Murdoch ID and password it is deemed equivalent to executing this declaration with my written signature. Optional Comments to Tutor: E.g. If this is a group assignment, list group members here MBS502 Trimester 1 2011/2012 Assignment problem In January 2008, three good friends, Joe, Moe, and Shmo retired from academia. Each is an expert in different areas of financial management, investment strategy and retirement planning. They decided to start a financial advisory service in uptown Boyup Brook. Joe contributed $100,000, Moe contributed $50,000 and Shmo contributed $200,000 to establish the service. They also borrow another $50,000 from Joe’s wife, Flo. The loan was to be repaid by giving her the first $10,000 of the profits made each year. It was also agreed that Flo would be the office manager on a salary of $45,000 per annum. They bought an appropriate building in Boyup Brook  and, with the money left over, they built an extension/granny flat in which Shmo lives. Joe, Moe and Shmo agreed that all major decisions relating to the management of the service would require all three to agree. The day to day management of the office was to be left to Flo. Boyup Brook has a large and growing population of retired farmers and public servants who are always concerned about the health of their retirement nest eggs. Joe, after discussions with Moe, Shmo and Flo, registered the business name, â€Å"The Money Doctors† because he believed they work with surgical precision when it comes to financial decision making. Business cards were duly printed and ties were designed with a pattern of dollar signs. In the recent past the following incidents occurred or were discovered. 1 Joe, Moe and Shmo had, earlier this year, discussed ways to improve the services they provided to clients. One of the key areas they identified was their computer system and internet access. They agreed that an investment of up to $10,000 was appropriate and affordable in the current financial climate. While on a recent visit to Perth, Shmo attended the Perth International Education Expo. While there he encountered an old friend from his academic career, Elmo, who was also retired and was now an agent for Educational Computer Operators (ECO). Shmo told Elmo all about his exciting life in Boyup Brook and about the service he operated with their mutual friends, Joe and Moe. The computer industry had, apparently, also been hard hit by the economic crisis and Shmo sensed that a bargain could be obtained. Shmo ordered 4 computers, a new server and a 24 month broadband satellite internet service. The total cost was $20,000. As part of the deal, for signing up at the Expo, Shmo was given $100 worth of Lotto tickets. As luck would have it, one of these tickets won a share of the first division prize of $1,000,000. When the computer system arrived with the invoice demanding immediate payment, Flo knew nothing about it and Shmo was unavailable as he was on holiday in the Bahamas. 2 The service had a client, Mrs. McTavish, the widow of a prosperous farmer. Always one for a safe investment, Mrs. McTavish only accepted advise relating to Blue Chip shares and investments and normally only dealt with Shmo. However, as a result of the recent world economic meltdown and the harrowing stories seen on a Current Affair on TV, Mrs. McTavish was growing  very concerned about the health of her investments and how to make up for capital losses. Moe, in Shmo’s absence, sensed an opportunity and recommended to Mrs. McTavish that she invest in a company called Southern Land Opportunities (SLO) and to finance this investment by selling $1,000,000 worth of Commonwealth Bank and Telstra shares. Mrs. McTavish had always allowed Shmo to take care of the details of selling and transferring money to the appropriate accounts and investments. This company, SLO, was one which Moe had established with his latest friend, Poe. It had no other share capital, no bank account and had not carried on any business. Within a week of the transaction, Moe had disappeared and no trace can be found of him or Mrs. McTavish’s money. Mrs. McTavish has already employed one of Perth’s biggest law firms and has brought an action against â€Å"The Money Doctors†. Using only Partnership Law as it exists in Western Australia, answer the following; 1 Is â€Å"The Money Doctors† a partnership, and if so, who are the partners? 2 Who is liable for the contract with ECO? 3 Who is liable to Mrs. McTavish? Question one, The Money Doctors is a partnership by the definition as this activity covered by all four parameters by the partnership as below and also according to following rule of Western Australian Law; â€Å"Partnership is the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit†. Partnership Act (WA) 1895 S/7 (1) Also the four element of partnership has been carried out,  Agreement, as all parties agreed to, start a financial advisory service, pay certain amount as initial investment, purchase a building, lend money from a third party. As result there was a conducive agreement among the partners. Business being carried out, according to the mentioned cases the business being carried out and the case of Mrs. MC Tavish and her previous experiences and the made trust in time with Shmo is the strong evidence of having business carried out. In common, all the parties have agreed to make major decision together by having all parties opinion and also they have chosen a name, business card and USD sign on their ties for the partnership together based on common understanding. View of profit, in return of the lend money all parties agreed to pay $ 10,000 each from the profits which shows the partners had a view of profit. Question two, IRAC Issues, Whether all the partners were agreed to invest and improve the services provided to client by improving computer systems? Does Shmo have the authority to purchase $20K worth of computer equipment? How ECO dealt with Shmo? Were there enough evidences of apparent authority from ECO to accept the deal? Whether if all the partners are liable to pay against Shmo’s commitment? Rule of law, â€Å"Every partner is jointly liable for any breach of contract – only one right of action against all the partners.† (Partnership Act 1895) [S16] WA â€Å"The case of Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd† [1971] 2 QB 711 By deification and based on four elements of partnership it is clear there is a partnership and according to above mentioned law (Partnership Act 1895) [S16] WA Shmu has the apparent authority to act on behalf of the firm. The case of [1971] 2 QB 711 court has held as the secretory had apparent authority to act on behalf of the company so the company is liable against the made commitment. Application, As Shmo was acting on behalf of all parties carrying the business cards and wearing the tie with company logo he was having apparent authority to act on behalf of the firm even though the partners agreed to certain level of investment it doesn’t concern the second parties and the made commitments. The rules of Law which needed to be considered in this case is section 16 of Western Australian low â€Å"Every partner is jointly liable for any breach of contract – only one right of action against all the partners.† (Partnership Act 1895) [S16] WA. The case is very similar to The case of â€Å"Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd† [1971] (2 QB 711) which the secretory hired a luxury car for personal use and court held that the company is liable to pay for the rented car as the secretory had apparent authority using company facilities and previous experiences. Conclusion, Due to the apparent authority law â€Å"Every partner is jointly liable for any breach of contract – only one right of action against all the partners† (Partnership Act 1895) [S16] WA. And the case of â€Å"Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd† [1971] (2 QB 711 The Money Doctor has to pay for Shimo commitments as he had the apparent authority against to supplier and ordered consignment regardless of even Shmu has act over the internal agreement within the partners. Question three, IRAC, Issues, What are the firm responsibilities as Financial Advisory firm? Is the firm as Financial Advisory has the right to act and to accept money from the clients and transfer the fund? Is the established relationship between Mrs. McTavish and Shmu is based on firm responsibilities and authorities or just been made in time due to personal relationship and successful experiences. Whether if Mrs. McTavish knows Moe is involved with the SLO? Is there any evidence to prove how the transaction took place? Cash or bank to bank. As the SLO has no bank account why McTavish should trust to transfer such amount of money to unknown account? If McTavish gave the money to Moe in cash whether she knows Moe is acting beyond his apparent and actual authority? Rules of law, There are different factors to be considered in this case, As a Financial advisor Money Doctors should not accept cash and additional to that Moe had breach the contract and abused McTavish trust for the sake of personal ambitions. Therefore in this case below rules of law has to be considered, Where any money or property of a third person is received by one partner, acting within the scope of his real or apparent authority in the partnership affairs, and is misapplied by that partner, and where any money or property of a third person, being as such in the custody of the firm, is misapplied by any partner, the firm shall be liable to make good the loss. (Partnership Act 1895) [Section 18.1] WA Where by any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm, or with the authority of his copartners, loss or injury is caused to any person not being a partner in the firm, or any penalty is incurred, the firm is liable therefor to the same extent as the partner so acting or omitting to act. (Partnership Act 1895) [Section17.1] WA Application, According to Western Australia, Partnership Act law 1895, and Section17/1 if money or property is received by a partner in the scope of the real or apparent authority and misapplied the firm is liable to make good the loss. And Section 18/1if by any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the firm, or with the authority of his copartners, loss or injury is caused to any person not being a partner in the firm, or any penalty is incurred, the firm is liable. In this case partners were agreed to establish a financial advisory service to the clients and in the case of Mrs. McTavish she was allowing the Shmu to make the transactions on her behalf which is outside the authority of Financial Advisor. Based on the made trust Mrs. McTavish decided to act the same with Moe which no level of trust been made with Moe and Mrs. McTavish therefore more information is required to make sure if Mrs. McTavish knew Moe is acting beyond his authority otherwise the rules of law (Partnership Act 1895) [S18.A] WA is applicable. Based on Agency law â€Å"If agent acts outside his/her actual and apparent authority s/he may be liable to both TP and PR† According on the given information the SLO company has no bank account therefore there is no way for Mrs. McTavish to transfer the money to bank account so the only possible way is for Moe to take the cash by himself and  transfer the money to another account. There are not enough information and evidences if Mrs. McTavish knew Moe is acting beyond his authority to refer the case to agency law as laws of Agency Law and Partnership Law can be applied in both fields. Therefore based on the actual given information and Partnership law â€Å"Partnership Act 1895) [Section 18.A] WA† and Partnership Act 1895 [Section17.1] WA is applicable. Conclusion, If there were enough evidences that Mrs. McTavish did not know that Moe is acting beyond the actual or apparent authority Moe solely would be liable to Mrs. McTavish as accepting money for the transaction was out of his apparent and actual authority but there are not enough evidences therefore the firm is liable to Mrs. McTavish according to abve mentioned rules of law. References, Partnership Law (WA) : Australasian Legal Information Institute PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 The case of Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd† [1971] 2 QB 711 PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 – SECT 16 16 . Liability of partners (Partnership Act 1895) [Section17.1] WA PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 – SECT 17 17 . Liability of firm for wrongs PARTNERSHIP ACT 1895 – SECT 18 18 . Misapplication of money or property

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Managing a police service Area Essay

Commanders managing a police service area faced with a number of challenges. Some of these include corruption, racial profiling, and poor cooperation and relationship between the police force and the local community. All this problems have been attributed among other reasons to insufficient training of law enforcement, discriminative administration, and lack of employee engagement. Therefore, managing a police service area challenges can be mitigated by ensuring a highly motivated and trained police force as well as engaging the community to enhance their appreciation of the police. Corruption has been cited as a major problem compromising the effectiveness of the police force. According to available statistical evidence, the problem of drug dealings is increasing becoming an issue of national concern in the American nation. This is despite the fact that the law enforcement has the potential to identify, mitigate or prosecute the offenders. However, the problem of corruption has been closely attributed to poor motivation to police officers as well as lack of an effective channel for getting public feedback on the conduct of police officers. Another problem facing commanders managing a police service area is poor communication and cooperation of police officers and the community. The community is evidently identified as a crucial tool for aiding in the identification and mitigation in the community. Therefore, poor relationships between local law enforcement and the community serve only to escalate crime in the community, a negation to the sole duty of the police service area commander. Indeed, such poor relationships are a major threaten to the life of officers as they are perceived by the community as enemies rather than just and fair law enforcer. The third challenge affecting commanders managing a police service area is racial profiling. Racial discrimination in the law enforcement agencies has been a major critic from the general public. The sole duty of all police officers is to ensure sustainable peace and security in the community. This means that police officers should function to investigate on suspected crime offenders based on substantial evidence rather than based on their race, nationality, and ethnicity. It is this practices which remains a major challenge for commanders to oversee the fair and just enforcement of the rule of the law. As a police manager, there are a number of actions I would take to mitigate these problems. First, I would ensure implementation policies as a way of mitigating the problem of police corruption. Such practices would include increment of payment and service allowances for the police. Other could be engaging officers in retirement benefit schemes as well as providing job security. This is because I believe that most officers engage in corruption as a way of accumulating extra earnings for their present and future needs. On the problem of poor relationship between police and community as well as racial profiling, I would ensure the introduction of a comprehensive police training scheme. Skilled and reliable police officers should high sufficient skills on public relations. Such training will also equip the officers with the necessary skills of dealing with a diverse population, a factor that could compromise racial profiling. The biggest problem causing poor relationship between the police and the community is poor communication. To eliminate this problem, I would encourage interactive sections between the police and the community members as a way of breaking the current relational gap.

Existential Therapy: Death, Freedom & Self-Awareness

Existential Therapy: Death, Freedom & Self-Awareness Some people rely on others to validate who they are, and to give them meaning. However, they must realize that they are alone in this world and they must find meaning from within themselves and not from others. Nevertheless, for many people being alone causes anxiety in which people feel that their life has no meaning. A person can become aware of who they are but not accept who they are while being alone. Existential therapy helps people to look within and find a way to cope with their emotional experiences they have encountered in order to recover from them.When individuals learn to love themselves and be content with themselves, they will then know how to love others. Existential therapy is different from other theories. It is therapy to help people understand that they are the authors of their own life and that they are free to choose how they respond to it. The important factors of existential therapy are getting the client to find personal meaning and truths. Taking responsibility for any decisions, he/she makes. Being able to live in the present and not the past: getting the client to experience life by living in the moment.Tolerating anxiety, as a part of life, this will reoccur throughout life. Finally, to help clients understand and accept death and a greater gain of self-awareness. Death and Meaning The only absolutes are life and death. Many people give death too much power by fearing it, instead of embracing it. â€Å"Death is often one of the most powerful forces which keeps us from truly living† (Hoffman, 2004). When a person sincerely accepts death, they realize that their purpose in life is to do something meaningful by helping others.By dealing with death through the loss of loved ones and friends, I have learned to appreciate life and use my time here on earth wisely. As a little child, I was always afraid to die, due to my parents dying at a young age. I just knew I would die early too. Eventually after witnessing so many deaths year after year, I could no longer be afraid. The anxiety was so strong at one point I would have nightmares. , However, after losing my husband I grew to be content with death and love life much harder.Not to just love life but to live for each moment, not looking in the past but looking towards the future, what can I do now to help humanity. If we question ourselves on what we would do if death would come on a certain day, it would sincerely change people’s attitude about dying and change them in a way to live more freely. Moreover, in order to accept death one must find meaning. Meaning asks questions like, who are we, what will we become, and what is our purpose for being here? Unfortunately, it took death and pain to help me realize what my purpose in life was which is helping people.Helping people to cope with their issues gives me more reason to live. Freedom and Responsibility Individuals are free to choose to do good or bad, right or wrong. Being free means that people are accountable for their own actions and that they have to live with the decisions they make. When we choose to act in a certain way, we should not blame others for the way we act. People have full control over their emotions so we need to take full responsibility for our own actions, how we live our lives, and not make excuses for what we did not do. However, with freedom there is much responsibility.When clients do not want to accept responsibility a counselor will then encourage the client to reflect on his or her life and find meaning and/or their purpose of living. Since we are free, we cannot blame others for our problems. As stated in the eighth edition of the Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Corey, 2009), while people claim they desire freedom, the existential belief declares that most will try to escape this freedom. People do this in order to avoid responsibility of making choices, (p. p. 140-141). Peo ple have to live for themselves and make their own decisions and to take charge of their lives.If a person commits a crime than that person cannot blame their upbringing or society for being the reasons of committing the crime, they themselves committed the crime so they will suffer the consequences for their actions. Self-Awareness Self-awareness is a person’s ability to know who they are fully. The more we know ourselves the more we grow. The more we grow the more freedom we have to choose and make good choices. When we are fully aware we can accept that no matter what we have been through in life, those circumstance do not define who we are.Dealing with pain and suffering for many years I have let go of what I experienced (holding on does not help with counseling), however learning to handle situations helped me to react differently and live free from any anxieties. It is up to people to want to progress from their old way of thinking and adapt to a new ones (this is how w e make better choices), we cannot get better even with therapy if we do not find a way to do so. Strengths and Weaknesses Existential therapy focuses on the concepts of death, meaning, and purpose, which are all critical issues that play an important part of human existence.Counselors seek to help not train the clients to do better, client’s progress on their own terms. Clients learn to cope with being alone and not seek support from others around them. It teaches clients to understand anxiety because it will always be a part of our lives but knowing how to deal with it helps make us better people. Counselors are open-mind to different issues and can handle all types of attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. Weaknesses to this type of therapy: Melton (2010) states that, â€Å"a major criticism that this approach lacks a systematic statement of the principles and practices of psychotherapy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Environmental issues for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental issues for business - Essay Example These impacts may interfere with the requirements that govern business activities and the response of the organizations to them is considered to be very important. This thus shows that there is a vital relationship between the activities of a business and the environmental impact. International businesses make the issue even worse as these requirements vary from one country to another. This should be considered critically when making plans for the running of the business. Pollution is one factor that affects the relationship between a business and the environment. The way the business disposes its waste products may bring about social costs as it may be forced to invent better ways that may turn out to increase operational costs. It is known to be against some government policies in some countries and good citizenship in others to dispose hazardous waste products in the water systems or even in the air especially for developing countries. This may go as far as restricting the running of some industries if not well taken care of. Solutions therefore for such problems should be considered right from the start of the business. Plans may vary and the cost may depend on the choice of plans. It may require new facilities to take care of the waste and may be an increment in working hours. However, business activities may be boosted if the waste product can be sold to other industries that use them as raw materials. Another favorable solution is the recycling of the waste products. This however may increase cost as the recycling equipment may be required. It may also not favor all organizations as some of their waste products may not be in a position to be recycled. Some wastes cannot be reused. It is the responsibility of the business organizations therefore to take note of them all and evaluate the possible solution for their case. This makes the environmental issues more important as far as planning for business

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Three major aspects of colonial takeover of American lands based on Essay

Three major aspects of colonial takeover of American lands based on Foreigners in Their Native Land - Essay Example Three major aspects of colonial takeover of American lands based on â€Å"Foreigners in Their Native Land† The first component of the chapter looked at the war against Mexico where foreigners taking over the land of Mexico turned around to be lords of the land and battled the original natives of the land. Essentially, the writer used this part of the chapter to drum home the unfortunate beginning of racial supremacy in the American continent.Further on in the chapter, there is a discussion on the entrenched position taken by the English to conquer at all cost, as a refusal to do that makes them robbers. The final part of the chapter discusses the outcome of the fight, which was an obvious win for the strangers, occupying and conquering at the same time because of their ideological supremacy. Chapter 12 It is more like it is in this chapter that the effect of the struggle that had gone on between the Mexicans and the English was discussed. This is because part of the chapter looked at how the English lived with the Mexicans there after the war. In the chapter, we are told of how right afte r the war, the Mexicans were made to further sprinkle the field with the sweat of their brows because they were captured as servants and slaves in their own land. But after a while, there were mixed marriages, which became an era of coherent living. But in most cases of these marriages, it was observed that the eventual benefactors of the marriages were the English. This is because they were the ones who married Mexican women and subjected them and their male offspring to hard labor. Pages 361-367 Among the many mixtures of people from different geographic backgrounds who had come to be part of the American nation as Americans were the Mexicans, who according to the writer, were mainly found in the area of presidio of Tucson from 1773 and seeking protection against the Apaches. But throughout the pages 361 to 367 of the book, the writer brings out some key characteristics of these people, who became known as the Mexican Americans. Typically, the Mexican Americans are identified to b e battling inferiority complex as they search for an identity. This search was supposed to be an expected event because these people, who were originally from Mexico where not being offered the opportunity to be live by the very native nature and identity that they bore (Gramsci, 1971). Pages 426-433 In what may be referred to as a typical conclusion, the writer finishes the book with an admonition for change and empowerment. This is because throughout the book, acts of identity misplacement and misplaced priorities had plagued most people who otherwise should have been in the position to stand very firm and defended what belonged to them. From page 426 to 433, the focus of the writer was on Mexico, whom he labeled as being the Beckoned North. The Mexicans were classified as being beckoned because of the indication they had started giving to people from other backgrounds who had suffered similar things as they suffered. In comparison to the African Americans, the writer saw the Mexi cans as being able to take their own destinies in their hands much quickly and making amends for themselves. Journal Entry 8: Kaleidoscope Pages 31-47 These are pages where the story of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca is told from de Vaca’s own perspective and according to his original narratives. Generally, de Vaca tells the story of his life and other people as they made expedition through the New World in 1527 in what became known as the Narvaez expedition. As one of only four survivors, the story is revisited as a message to the current world of the power in a determing power to endure. This is because even though de Vaca had gone through several trialing times including being a slave, he could eventually wait for that new reconnection with Spanish

Monday, October 7, 2019

What Is The Value Of Theory To Practitioners Of Guidance Essay

What Is The Value Of Theory To Practitioners Of Guidance - Essay Example A sound understanding of theory is of utmost importance to a practitioner of guidance towards developing such clarity of thought and processes. Theory provides structural pillars for defining the client's situation, around which the practitioner can give practical and actionable advice. It is very important for any practitioner who has taken on a counselling role, to disassociate from his/her own personal emotions, values and judgements. The guidance practitioner has to have complete objectivity in order to achieve a complete and unbiased understanding of the client's situation. Theories are the essential tool with which the practitioner as an individual can use to classify and understand the client's individual situation with objectivity. With the aid of theory a practitioner can be fair in evaluating a situation outside his/her personal context. The methodology and analysis leading out of theory provides great objectivity to the practice of guidance. ii. Gives a better understanding of how disparate personal histories influence decisions and choices Apart from helping the practitioner disassociate from the personal context, theory also helps the practitioner in developing an understanding of the various factors that impinge on the individual during the decision making process. These factors could be either articulated or benign. Theory helps the practitioner to correlate factors like social, economic and ethnic background and parental influences etc. to the personality of the individual and hence the decisions that he/she takes. By developing a more contextual fingerprint for each individual, with the help of theory, the practitioner is better equipped to provide more pertinent and workable guidance solutions. iii. Keeps them ethically and practically grounded Sound knowledge of theory gives the practitioner of guidance the requisite understanding of the ethical and practical implications of decisions. It is very important for a practitioner to be aware of these factors even if they are not immediately apparent, since the person in the guiding role has to take responsibility for the consequence of the actions and decisions of the client related to their careers or education. Theory is based on verifiable fact, which is why an understanding of it, gives the practitioner the adequate wherewithal to weigh the plausibility of decisions on both ethical and practical parameters. iv. Provides the foundations for a disciplined practice which is coherent and un-prejudiced All the above mentioned benefits of theory are instrumental in creating the foundation of a fair and effective guidance practice. With the framework of theory in place, a practitioner can involve himself/herself with greater integrity and objectivity towards solving the client's problems. Even though there are many theories of guidance it is important for the practitioner to crystallise his/ her viewpoint so that each individual case can be guided through predetermined, though not rigid, frameworks of the practitioner's understanding. Hence, it is impossible to ignore the importance of theory to practitioners of guidance. The only caveat that one should keep in mind is that theory should not be relegated to a cerebral level. Instead it is very important for practitioners to attune theories to the current requirements and dynamics of the community in particular, and the society as a whole. Offer an ethical and intellectual critique of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Warfighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Warfighting - Essay Example The military operation plan has to correlate with the security cooperation and contingency planning guidelines of the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) [Sweeney, pg.64]. As the US is not supporting the claim of present Moroccan government with respect to their sovereignty over Western Sahara, and is of the position that the UN-mediated ceasefire of 1991 be respected by all parties and a peaceful resolution of the conflict be sought, the mission will try to accomplish the same under a wider perspective. In this matter US forces envisage to work in cooperation with a UN peacekeeping force and will try to accomplish in long term, a permanent ceasefire, reduction of Moroccan military presence in the region, ensuring Moroccan and Polisario militaries keep to their assigned territories, release from Moroccan jails of all Western Saharan political prisoners and also exchange of pows, implementation of a UN-led repatriation program for refugees, registration of all qualified voters, and a free and fair referendum. Under the short term objectives of the mission, will come another set of conflict resolution and humanitarian aid providing steps. The immediate step in this sequence of action will be to try to prevent more people from marching in into the cities and also finding solution to the humanitarian crisis caused by the already happened influx of people. It would be a matter of priority to help the women and children who have entered the city as part of the protesting groups as they are the most vulnerable elements to a humanitarian tragedy. Food, potable water and medical support will have to be arranged for all those who are in need of them. In view of the US policy to have a peaceful solution to the crisis, our mission will also be primarily to avert the exercise of force that can lead to violence or physical repression.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Wikileaks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wikileaks - Essay Example The documents that were leaked by Wikileaks regarding the operations in Afghanistan has not only risked future operations against terrorism, but also served to expose the military still serving in different countries such Iraq and Afghanistan where terrorist threat emanates, at a greater risk (Galrahn, 2010). Thus, what Wikileaks has been doing in relation to matters security and military operations is akin to aiding international terrorism, as well as the enemies of the USA. International terrorism has defined as the activities that endanger human life, while also influencing the policies of the government through either coercion or intimidation (Marcel & Gregor, 2010 p2). In respect to what Wikileaks has been doing, there is no doubt that its activities amount to some form of aiding terrorism, since it is endangering both human lives, as well as intimidating the government, through portraying its military operations as either dehumanizing or bungled. Therefore, there could be no missing of words, when saying that Wikileaks completely endangers the success of international war on terrorism. Wikileaks is essentially threatening the genuine national security interest, which in turn is a way of assisting the wider terrorism community. While the actions of Wikileaks might seem to be within the law, and thus protected by the privileges of the First Amendment of the USA constitution, there seem to lack some sense of security responsibility in their actions (Abrams & Benkler, 2013 n.p.). While terrorism has evolved and become more salient in the modern day, there is nothing as helpful to the terrorists, as the information that Wikileaks has been releasing, oblivious of the damage it might do to the nation. Therefore, the most disturbing thing about the Wikileaks’ activities is the mission it has. While doing all this, one still wonders whether Wikileaks is aware of its ability to influence and aid international terrorism (Philipp, 2012 n.p.).

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Journey to the West Essay Example for Free

Journey to the West Essay Growing up, we all had our favorite stories. My personal favorite was the Harry Potter series; I spent hours and hours immersed in those books. For a lot of Chinese children however, the story they grew up with was called Journey to the West, or XiYouJi. This story was written by Wu Cheng’en, an author who lived during the 16th century in the Ming dynasty. A very famous piece of literature, it is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature. The novel starts by telling the story of SunWuKong, who was born from a rock. He went on to learn 72 polymorphic transformations and becomes super powerful, powerful enough to challenge the Taoist Gods. The story goes on to tell about SunWuKong’s great rebellion against heaven, where he basically goes around and beats up everyone in the sky by himself. Eventually however, his arrogance leads to his downfall, and the Buddha manages to trap him under a mountain for five hundred years. The story then jumps to the introduction of Tang XuanZang, who is instructed by the Gods to go east to India on a pilgrimage and retrieve the Buddhist Sutras. After setting out on his journey, Xuan Zang bumps into SunWuKong who is still trapped under a mountain. With the help from the gods, Xuan Zang frees SunWuKong and takes him on as a disciple. He also meets a pig named ZhuBaJie and an ogre named ShaWuJing. Together, the 4 of them walk west towards their eventual goal of LeiYingSi. Along the way, they encounter nine thousand nine hundred eighty one hardships, including crossing treacherous rivers, fighting off monsters who want to eat XuanZang, and battling through a mountain of fire. The majority of the book describes their journey from the Tang Capitol, all the way to LeiYingSi. Once they arrive at their destination, they retrieve the sutras and return to China.